Saturday, February 28, 2009

The last few months

So, I got behind as I expected I would when I started my blog.. So, here is one big blog to catch u up on the last few months. 
October-We moved back into our first home we bought about 7 years ago and remodeled quite a bit. I had posted some before pics, but never posted the fun pics, the "after" pics. So, here you go. little glimpse of what we were able to get done. Btw, some of you may remember my chandleir fiasco I had,,,, so here's a pic of the one I ended up going with..

Halloween---I think the pic says it all.... CUTE!!!!! 

November-I love November, one of my favorite months. In Cali, it's just beginning to get cold and  most people get into the holiday spirit.  We traveled to Oregon to be with Ryan's family for Thanksgiving. We stayed at Uncle Wayne and Aunt Judy's cabin and had a blast. The whole family went,, all the aunts, uncles and cousins and papa and grammie.. Could'nt have asked for a better weekend!!!! The weather was absolutely amazing, not one rain cloud was in sight.. The temp was little chilly, but it was perfect. We rode the 4 wheelers alot, played games, cooked, stayed up late and talked about anything and everything, had a bonfire, watched as the kids became obsessed with salamanders for the weekend.. I mean seriously, they were obsessed about these things. Kinda sad to watch them release them back into the lake the day we had to leave. Here are a few pics from that weekend. xo

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